Track Your Starknet Journey

Braavos Wallet guides new Starknet users in navigating dApp discovery while ensuring their progress is tracked
Starknet Journey and Starknet Pro Score

Features Designed for
the Success of Starknet Enthusiasts

The most secure wallet to accompany your Starknet exploration journey

Starknet dApp gallery: your guide

Effortlessly discover and access new dApps right from your wallet

Starknet Pro Score: visualizing your progress

Keep track of your interactions with protocols and your transactions over time

Same mainnet and testnet account addresses

The same addresses are used for both testnet and mainnet in order to minimize confusion

Track your activity using our built-in Leaderboard

Compare your performance with fellow Braavosians and gain clout in the Braavos Community Program

Braavos Nation Community Program

Become a part of the community that contributed to the wallet’s development and receive recognition for your hard work!

Giveaway and NFTs

Braavos proposes campaigns that help users discover new dApps and new opportunities

Why is Braavos the Best Wallet
to Start Your Starknet Journey?

The dedicated Starknet wallet

Developed by the Braavos team, this exclusive smart contract wallet is designed for the Starknet ecosystem and offers a seamless experience across iOS, Android, and Chrome platforms. With top-notch security, innovative tools, and swift adaptability to network changes, Braavos Wallet is the ultimate choice for Starknet enthusiasts.

Highest Level of Security

Braavos Wallet offers the highest level of security with its Multi-Signer feature, a multi-factors-authentication feature. With just one click, users can transform their account into a personal vault and use their smartphone as an alternative to hardware wallets, eliminating the need for an additional cold wallet.

Download Braavos Wallet Now

Easy for newcomers to get started
Powerful for crypto OGs to work with

Are You Not Sure Yet if Braavos
is the Best Wallet for Starknet?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Give it a try on Goerli testnet

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