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How to stake your STRK with Braavos

Learn how to stake STRK with Braavos to earn high yields, instant rewards, and zero gas fees. Staking STRK is seamless and easy in your wallet.

Braavos team
| 28.11.2024
How to stake your STRK with Braavos


STRK staking is now officially live. Staking gives you an easy way to earn double-digit yield on your STRK holdings while contributing to the security and decentralisation of Starknet. If you’re looking for how to stake STRK, Braavos has made the process seamless and accessible directly from your wallet.

Braavos has integrated STRK staking into our products so you can stake directly with one-click without having to leave your wallet. 

Plus, you can now stake with 0 gas fees exclusively in Braavos mobile app on both iOS and Android.

How to Stake your STRK with Braavos:

Step 1: Open your Braavos wallet app or extension and click “invest” on the portfolio home screen.


STRK Staking Braavos home screen

Step 2: On the “Invest” screen, click “Stake” on the STRK Staking blue banner.


STRK staking invest screen Braavos

Step 3: Enter the amount of STRK you wish to delegate for staking and then click “1-click stake”. The transaction will be gasless on Braavos mobile only.

Stake STRK amount input Braavos screen

Step 4: Confirm the transaction and a transaction confirmation screen will appear

STRK staking successful transaction screen

Once you’ve completed the staking delegation, your staked STRK will be visible in the DeFi Dashboard of your portfolio screen.

Stake STRK in DeFi dashboard of portfolio page in Braavos

You can also view your STRK rewards, collect them with one click, and stake additional STRK by clicking on the STRK staking banner inside the invest section of your wallet. For more details on how to stake STRK, explore the Braavos app and start earning rewards today.


Can I withdraw staked STRK?

Yes. You can withdraw all of your staked STRK at any time. There is a 21-day withdrawal period for your staked STRK. Once the 21-day withdrawal period is complete, you can return to your Braavos and withdraw the STRK to your account. 

In the DeFi dashboard section in the portfolio screen, you can track how many days are left until you can withdraw your STRK. If you have the Braavos mobile app and you have notifications turned on, you will also get a push notification when your STRK is ready to be withdrawn.

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